There are sooo many reasons we absolutely need an unfathomable amount of tomatoes in our garden every season. After all……what’s not to love about tomatoes right??

These amazing little (and not so little) globes of colour and flavour have the gift of transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary and the mediocre to mesmerising

Now with that firmly in mind…we need as much out of these little miracles of nature for the longest possible time. Essentially we need early…middle and late fruiting varieties to free us from the long cold winter of watery ,bland supermarket tomatoes.

Tomatoes come in all shapes ,sizes and colours. Indoor and outdoor grown. Tall and dwarf varieties. Those that can be grown in hanging baskets. And those that happily grow away in pots.

Cherry tomatoes…perfect for salads ,pasta or just snacking treats whilst you’re working away in the garden….not that we would ever be guilty of this ????…come in practically all colours of the rainbow and produce cascades of bright jewel like bites to brighten your palette.

Stuffers with drier meatier flesh that doesn’t fall apart when cooked….as the name suggests ,perfect for stuffing and baking.

Paste….the essentially good saucing tomato and everyone has their favourite
Beefsteak, big handfuls of beautiful juicy flesh. Perfect for the barbecue, slicing, salads and cooking.

Good old gardeners favourites for any use. Reliable croppers whether a dull ,dour or wet summer or indeed a more elusive blisteringly scorching one , they will amply reward you with tumbling trusses of generous fruits so you need never feel you’ve failed !!

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